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(Anyone Who is still around that wants to post in can as long as they realize a years time has passed.)


Yamanaka Itsumo , Uzumaki Kazuko

Title: A New Day a New Start

IItsumo:*Itsumo stood in a tree overlooking what used to be the village hidden in death.It was just past dawn so the sun was not bright. Her icy blue eyes hazed over it had been a year since her village burned in blue flames. A year since she lost almost every member of her village, old and young alike. She sighed softly and pushed back a strand of her pale blonde hair that hung lose down to her mid back and looked at the ashes and char wood that was all that was left. She still had no idea what cause the blue flames their Chakra was unlike any she had ever seen nor, had she see it again since. Not one person whom looked at the flames knew what happened only that it was an immense strength and power. She knew one day they would face that foe and so she trained her body more and more. She crouched down in the tree and adjusted the thick black sock like covers she wore over her feet before standing up and fussing with the rest of her all black outfit. She no longer wore her Shikage band as it no longer fit…She had failed and that still haunted her to this day. She jumped down from the tree and landed on all fours and let out a sigh before standing up once more. She fixed her all black clothing and started walking threw the rubble of what used to be her home. She didn’t know what she was hopping to find she came her everyday she came back to this place looking for answers, but she never found anything different. The grey ash covered what little charred wood remained all the bodies that were not burnt to ash she had already cleared out and took care of in the way only a hunter-Nin could. There were no traces of Chakra left over now it had long since gone but she remembered it’s ominous feeling like it was just yesterday. * “Why Do I still search everyday” *she muttered to herself and shook her head just as she reached where her childhood home had once stood. She blinked back the tears that threatened to appear at any moment. They were truly all gone except for one. The long Ninja she had found lying unconscious and battered in the woods. The girl had most likely been thrown somehow from the village and was knocked unconscious.  The others were gone either dead or Missing and She had not been able to find a trace of any of them if they were out there. She needed to find a purpose again. A place to rest peacefully at night for more then just one night. She knew of only once place it was a place she had gone back to plenty of times over the last year a place she had someone who still cared for her even after she failed her village. It had been where she had been when the village was burned, Amegakure. It was where the unconscious girl still laid out cold in the hospital and where she had spent time over the last year find comfort in the only person she had felt anything for in a very long time. Itsumo sighed and turned walking back in the direction she had just come from. It was time to go back to Amegakure and this time ask if she could stay. The trip would take a few days if she walked but if she moved threw the air using her Light-weight Rock Technique she could get they’re in a few hours. She concentrated and reduced her own gravity letting herself lift from the ground and into the air this was something she had practiced and was now able to control how and where she flew. She let herself lift from the ground up into the sky above the trees but not quite to the clouds. Itsumo then pushed herself forward moving through the sky at a fast speed heading in the direction of Amegakure. She knew this was going to be an interesting day. Floating through the air the cool breeze she felt was a bit relaxing. Even when the drops of rain started when she reached the boarder and slowly began adding more gravity to herself lowering herself to the ground just on the other side of a large bridge that marked the boarder of Amegakure. She sighed softly and fixed herself. She reached into her pocket and withdrew her rebreather and snapped it into place. She then pulled out her black gloves from her other pocket and slid each of them on. She thought about tying her lose blond hair back but decided against it as it would be a hot mess from the water before long either way. She would begin to walk across the large bride letting the cool drops of rain hit her face and other parts of her skin as she did. She knew by now Kagato knew she was here as did any other strong shinobi that could sense chakra at any reasonable distance. She would finally approach the Main gate of the village and wait knowing she would either be allowed entrance or be turned away.*

Kazuko:*Kazuko was sitting on top of the gate staring up into the rain clouds above her. Time really had passed fast a year had already gone by since she and her teammates had become chunin.  Her crimson locks were pulled up into a high pony tail that was now longer that it had ever been handing down to the middle of her back. She still wore her chunin flank with pride and a lose pear of purple cargo pants that had tones of pockets for all her tools. She also had her scrolls attached to her back and belt. It had been an easy and lazy day so far she thought to herself. She looked down and wiped the raindrops off her face looking out of the area approaching the gate. She blinked a few times as she started to see a woman with bright blonde hair approaching the gate. Dressed in all black and a rebreather covering her face. Kazuko got herself from a sitting position into a crouching one and watch the woman closely from a top the gate as the woman stopped just outside the gate like she was waiting for someone. Kazuko thought this odd if she was an enemy why would she so clearly approach the gate but if she was a friend wouldn’t Kazuko have seen her before now she thought. She didn’t want to react the wrong way so she stayed in place waiting to see what happened next.* 

End Results:

(Still ongoing(
